What I'm Reading | April 2015

Alma Restaurant, DTLA

Alma Restaurant, DTLA

I always love the month of April. Spring produce pops up at the market, my husband and I celebrate our wedding anniversary, and there's change in the air. I'm reading a few new books, working on another article for Life & Thyme, and we even snuck away to our favorite place for a few days, too. 

One of the best things I've heard all month that I wanted to share is from a Jess Lively podcast. Jess interviewed Alexandra Franzen, whose mantra "The day is not over yet," really struck me. Sometimes when a day doesn't go as planned or you feel unproductive or lazy, it's easy to consider it a waste and say you'll start fresh tomorrow.

But Alexandra's perspective reminds us that no matter what happens, there's still time to experience meaningful moments. There's still time to read a poem. There's still time to let the sun splash on your face. There's still time to forgive someone. There's. Still. Time! 

Cheers to spring! 

Reassuring life advice for struggling artists.

Billy Collins reads his poem "Marginalia." 

The evolution of tea sets.

Long live the local bookstore

The moral bucket list.

7 apps to help make you happy.

A recipe for making your own soy sauce. Also, lentil kafka curry from Tara's new cookbook. 

Poet Tracy K. Smith's most treasured cooking tool

Heidi's insights on writing a cookbook proposal.

How to read the menu in France, Italy, and Spain.

Julia Child having the time of her life in the kitchen. 

A few reasons why William Wordsworth is still so famous. 

T.S. Eliot's childhood summer home is being turned into a writers retreat. 

The most important meal of the day is poetry.