What I'm Reading | September 2015

Avocado toast at Sqirl

September. The month of heat, maternity leave, preparing freezer meals, tomatoes, anticipation, and finishing books. It was also the month of a particularly exceptional meal featuring nine courses inspired by passion fruit at Curtis Stone's Maude, the perfect ending to what will certainly be a dry spell in fancy dinners out at least until 2016.

The next time I put together one of these posts with my favorite links from October, I'll have a baby. (!!) I don't think this fact has actually sunk in yet. Until then, here are my favorite reads from around the web as fall slowly makes its way near.

Print isn't dead! 

Elizabeth Gilbert's new book is out! Loved this interview with Marie Forleo.

A day in the life of a restaurant publicist. Just reading this stresses me out! 

Escaping the time-scarcity trap.

Food policy for the masses.

How to write a cookbook, according to Diana Henry. Plus, today's cookbook trends.

Thoughts on the creative impulse.

A 7-minute wine chilling trick. 

Why get an M.F.A.?

The new rules for dinner. Plus, Tara's perfect peach pie sounds divine for dessert. 

Redefining user engagement on Instagram. 

How not to do it all.

Every thing you own is a relationship you're in.

5 apps that can improve your everyday writing. 

Good advice: "Be a good steward of your gifts. Protect your time. Feed your inner life. Avoid too much noise. Read good books, have good sentences in your ears." 

And this:

"To me, cooking is an art form, and like any art form, you first have to learn the fundamentals. And then, once they're there, once they're just part of you, and you get up and do a little dance or something, you don't follow somebody else's formula. You can take off on your own, and you learn through doing. Then you can let go of some of these strict rules, and make your own rules." -Judith Jones