
June's Haiku Winner + Grilled Guacamole

I could eat an avocado every day. Some weeks, I come close. There's something positively perfect about a creamy avocado, and I'm always inspired by its ability to enhance almost every meal. Although it's an ideal addition to grain bowls, toast, salads, and the like, it stands alone so well in guacamole.

But first, let's get to this month's winning haiku! As a new mother, this sweet little poem is even more meaningful, and clearly our voting community thought so, too! 

Guacamole, of course, has its own heritage, along the lines of the "this is just how we do it" philosophies. Some like it plain, just with salt. Some like it studded with onions or whipped with tomatoes. Some people add sweet fruit, like mango and pineapple. There are very, very strong opinions about this, online and elsewhere.

I fall somewhere in the middle. I lean more towards the purist bent. I don't believe avocado needs much in the way of accompaniments to be a stellar side dish. Although, I do like to add a couple of things, namely lime juice, a hint of cilantro, and today, spicy jalapeno.

How do you like to eat guacamole? Let me know in the comments! 


Since summer is upon is and grilling is in the air, this is a perfect seasonal side, although feel free to do this indoors or out. 

Makes 1 to 2 servings

1 large, ripe avocado
Extra-virgin olive oil
1 small jalapeno
2 teaspoons chopped cilantro
Sea salt
queeze of lime

Heat a grill to medium high. Slice the avocado and remove the pit; drizzle with a bit of oil. Halve the jalapeno lengthwise and drizzle with oil. Place the avocado and jalapeno halves on the grill, cut side down. Char for 2 to 3 minutes total. 

When cool enough to handle, score the avocado flesh and scoop it into a bowl. Mince the jalapeno; use as much as you'd like here. I like about a half a teaspoon or so. (Include the seeds for more heat.) Add the cilantro, and season with a pinch of salt and squeeze of lime. Stir to combine. Serve immediately with tortilla chips.

Haiku Contest Finalists | June 2016

June's haiku finalists are here! As you'll see from the poems, avocado isn't just for guacamole. You'll find this ingredient on a journey from the kitchen to the birthing room, and even on the front lines protecting our health. Thanks to everyone who submitted! 

Cast your vote below for your favorite haiku before Tuesday, June 14th at 6 p.m. PST.

Haiku Contest Finalists | May 2016

For the inaugural food haiku contest, May's juicy strawberries conjured up summer memories, favorite desserts, and even a bit of courage. The three finalists below were chosen from a stellar group of entries. Thanks to everyone who submitted! 

UPDATE: Voting is now CLOSED!

Cast your vote below for your favorite haiku before Friday, May 20th at 6 p.m. PST.